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2024-04-01 16:38
I am quite disappointed with my experience with xcoex. Firstly, its trading fees are too high, which seriously affects users' investment returns. Secondly, the customer service response time is too long, which makes it very inconvenient.




2021-03-15 17:53
First of all, I want to expoise. A person on the Internet gave me a link to copy to the browser to download the App. After I downloaded it, it was xcoex with lowercase letters. I also found this App in the App Store, but the letters were all uppercase. . There were doubts at the time, but it was not true. Later, because of the time difference, we had a 7-hour gap with China. The person stayed up all night and taught me to move bricks, deposit gold, take me to make a small perpetual contract, and then take me to withdraw coins to Binance to sell coins. I really learned how to do it. Contract speculation, the principal was too small for the person to do, so I deposited 13,000 US dollars, and then I found that person and disappeared. Later, a friend said that the xcoex App platform in lowercase letters is an intranet, which is not a formal one. Small amounts can be raised, but large amounts are not raised. I tried to raise 10,000 USDT, but I didn’t even mention it. Up. Looking for customer service, the customer service requires advanced certification and continued deposit. This is actually a pit. I have confirmed that I have passed the advanced certification and I have to pay the deposit. That is to keep me filling the pit. So I explode! Report! And provide platform link. app download



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