

2021-03-15 17:53
First of all, I want to expoise. A person on the Internet gave me a link to copy to the browser to download the App. After I downloaded it, it was xcoex with lowercase letters. I also found this App in the App Store, but the letters were all uppercase. . There were doubts at the time, but it was not true. Later, because of the time difference, we had a 7-hour gap with China. The person stayed up all night and taught me to move bricks, deposit gold, take me to make a small perpetual contract, and then take me to withdraw coins to Binance to sell coins. I really learned how to do it. Contract speculation, the principal was too small for the person to do, so I deposited 13,000 US dollars, and then I found that person and disappeared. Later, a friend said that the xcoex App platform in lowercase letters is an intranet, which is not a formal one. Small amounts can be raised, but large amounts are not raised. I tried to raise 10,000 USDT, but I didn’t even mention it. Up. Looking for customer service, the customer service requires advanced certification and continued deposit. This is actually a pit. I have confirmed that I have passed the advanced certification and I have to pay the deposit. That is to keep me filling the pit. So I explode! Report! And provide platform link. app download https://www.xcoexchange.com/app.html

首先,我要爆光,一个网上的人给了我链接让我复制到浏览器下载App,我下载后是字母小写的xcoex, 我当时在应用商店里也搜到了这个App,但是字母都是大写的。当时有疑惑,但没较真儿。后来因为时差我们和国内差7个小时,那人熬夜教我搬砖,入金,带我做小额的永续合约,后又带我提币到币安卖币转现,我是真心学做合约炒币,被那人套路本金少,不能做,于是我就入金1万3千美金,再找那人消失了。后来有朋友说这个小写字母的xcoex App 平台是做的内网,不是正规的,提小额能提,提大额就不给提了,我试提了1万个USDT,果然就不给提了。找客服,客服要求高级认证和继续入保证金,这其实就是个坑,我已经确认通过高级认证,还要交保证金,就是不断让我填坑。所以我爆光!举报!并提供平台链接。app下载 https://www.xcoexchange.com/app.html

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