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I mentioned it several times, and the customer service froze my account for various reasons, asking me to pay taxes and bid deposits. Too bad! No doubt a scam.
2023-08-06 19:53
This is a fraudulent exchange!
2023-08-06 19:32

Overview of cryptograph

Cryptograph is a unique digital platform that utilizes blockchain technology to create and auction unique, one-of-a-kind digital artworks called Cryptographs. Developed by a company of the same name, Cryptograph was launched in 2020 by co-founders Hugo McDonaugh and Edouard Bessire. The innovative platform aims to benefit charitable causes by enabling creators to monetize their work in a new way. It allows artists to create digital art pieces that are tokenized into unique, virtual assets on the Ethereum blockchain. These Cryptographs can be bought, owned and sold just like traditional artworks, with the added benefit of incorruptibility and scarcity guaranteed by blockchain technology. The original actor continues to earn every time their art piece is sold, enabling a sustainable revenue stream. They also set a percentage of proceeds to be donated to a charity of their choice, integrating philanthropy directly into the platform's design.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Utilizes blockchain technology to ensure authenticity and scarcity of digital artworks Relatively new platform, so marketplace may not be fully established
Each digital artwork supports a charitable cause Dependent on the Ethereum blockchain and subject to its associated drawbacks (e.g., high gas fees, scalability issues etc.)
Offers a sustainable revenue stream for artists Cryptocurrency knowledge is necessary for transactions
Opportunities for artists to monetize their digital work in new ways The value and demand for digital art can be highly volatile


1. Utilization of Blockchain Technology: Cryptograph employs blockchain technology to create unique, virtual assets, ensuring the authenticity and scarcity of each digital artwork. This technology guarantees that every art piece is original, cannot be duplicated, and exhibits verifiable ownership.

2. Charitable Purpose: The platform combines the world of art and philanthropy. Each piece of digital artwork supports a charitable cause, with a specific percentage of the proceeds designated for a charity of the artist's choice. This significantly enhances art's role in social responsibility and provides a new way for organizations to raise funds.

3. Sustainable Revenue Stream for Artists: Artists are able to enjoy a sustainable revenue stream through Cryptograph. Every time an art piece is sold or resold, the original creator continues earning a portion of the sale. This creates a lasting, potentially lucrative income opportunity for artists.

4. Monetization of Digital Work: Cryptograph offers opportunities for artists to monetize their digital work in innovative ways. This platform opens a new market for digital artworks, allowing artists to reach potentially global audiences and buyers.


1. New Platform: As Cryptograph is a relatively new platform launched in 2020, its marketplace may not be fully established. There could be potential issues pertaining to liquidity and the number of active buyers and sellers.

2. Dependency on Ethereum Blockchain: The operation of Cryptograph is closely tied to the Ethereum blockchain. Any issues associated with Ethereum, such as high transaction costs (often referred to as ‘gas fees’) and scalability issues, could affect Cryptograph's operation and usability.

3. Necessity for Cryptocurrency Knowledge: Transaction on Cryptograph requires cryptocurrency, particularly Ethereum. Therefore, users should have a basic understanding of how to use, transfer, and store Ethereum, potentially making it a barrier for those unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies.

4. Volatile Value and Demand for Digital Art: As with any art market, the value and demand for digital art on Cryptograph can be highly volatile. The price of a digital artwork can fluctuate significantly based on a variety of factors, including the fame of the artist, the beauty of the artwork, and overall market trends.


Security is a critical factor in the operation of Cryptograph due to its use of blockchain technology and the handling of digital assets and cryptocurrency transactions. In order to ensure the security of transactions and data, Cryptograph incorporates numerous security measures.

Firstly, Cryptograph leverages the in-built security mechanisms of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a decentralised, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality, thus providing a transparent and reliable base for secure transactions. It uses cryptography to secure the transactions and control the creation of new units.

Additionally, private keys to the tokens representing the digital artworks purchased on Cryptograph are owned and controlled by the buyer. These keys are typically stored in a digital wallet, adding another layer of security as only the owner of the wallet can access and manage their digital assets.

In terms of data security, Cryptograph does not store sensitive data of its users. Only crucial data needed for transactions and operation of the platform are stored, and this data is typically anonymized to protect user identity.

Amid these security measures, it's important to acknowledge that no system can claim to be entirely infallible. Cryptograph's reliance on the Ethereum blockchain does come with the potential security risks associated with this specific blockchain. Moreover, the security of digital wallets falls largely on the user, who must ensure that their keys and wallet credentials are kept secure.

However, given its structure and the measures in place, Cryptograph is likely to offer a reasonable level of security, in line with other platforms facilitating the trade of digital assets using blockchain technology. As with any blockchain-based platform, ongoing developments and updates would be necessary to ensure its security measures remain robust and relevant in response to evolving threat landscapes.

How Does cryptograph Work?

Cryptograph operates by combining blockchain technology and the world of digital art. The process begins when an artist creates a digital piece of artwork. This artwork is then tokenized into a unique, virtual asset on the Ethereum blockchain, created via a smart contract, thereby transforming it into a Cryptograph.

Each Cryptograph is unique and cannot be duplicated, much like a traditional work of art. The owner of the Cryptograph is the individual who has the private key associated with it, all managed via the Ethereum blockchain. This key is typically stored in a digital wallet to ensure secure ownership.

A key feature of Cryptograph is that digital artworks are auctioned on their platform. The highest bidder at the end of the auction becomes the new owner of the Cryptograph. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each Cryptograph is donated to a charitable cause chosen by the artist. Additionally, each time a Cryptograph is sold, the artist receives a fraction of the sale, thus ensuring a sustainable revenue stream.

The former owners of a Cryptograph are also rewarded. Whenever a Cryptograph is resold, the prior owner receives a percentage of the sale. This incentivizes people to bid for Cryptographs, as an increase in a Cryptograph's value could yield potential profits for its owner.

It's worth noting that transactions on Cryptograph are conducted using Ethereum. Therefore, prospective buyers, sellers, and artists need some familiarity with the use and operation of this cryptocurrency.

What Makes cryptograph Unique?

Cryptograph boasts several unique features and innovations that differentiate it from traditional art marketplaces.

1. Blockchain Technology: Cryptograph utilizes blockchain technology to tokenize digital artworks, creating unique, non-duplicable assets on the Ethereum blockchain. This ensures scarcity and authenticity.

2. Perpetual Earning: Each time a digital artwork, or Cryptograph, is sold or resold, the original creator continues to earn a share of the proceeds. This provides artists with a sustainable revenue stream.

3. Philanthropic Aspect: The platform integrates philanthropy in its business model as a percentage of the proceeds from each Cryptograph sale goes to a charitable cause chosen by the artist.

4. Prior Owner Rewards: Cryptograph implements a unique feature where previous owners of a Cryptograph earn a certain percentage when their previously owned Cryptograph gets resold. This potentially encourages bidding, as owners can profit from future sales of the Cryptograph.

5. Ethereum-Based Transactions: All transactions on Cryptograph are conducted in Ethereum. This means Cryptograph also serves as a real-life application of cryptocurrency and smart contracts in the art industry.

6. Global Access: As a digital platform, Cryptograph allows artists and collectors across the globe to create, sell, buy, and own digital art pieces, thereby expanding the traditional boundaries of art markets.

How to sign up?

To sign up on Cryptograph, follow the steps outlined below:

1. Visit the Cryptograph official website.

2. Click on the"Sign Up" or"Join" button which is usually found on the top right corner of the webpage.

3. You will be prompted to connect a digital wallet. Cryptograph supports various Ethereum wallets, but the most commonly used ones are MetaMask and WalletConnect.

4. If you choose to connect with MetaMask, ensure you have the MetaMask extension installed on your browser. If you select WalletConnect, scan the QR code using a compatible wallet on your mobile device.

5. Once you've successfully connected your wallet, you'll be asked to sign a message to confirm your ownership of the wallet. This does not incur a transaction fee.

6. After successful verification, you'll be granted access to your Cryptograph account.

7. Fill in any additional information required and complete your profile setup.

Remember, transactions on Cryptograph are done in Ethereum, so you will need to ensure there are adequate funds in your connected wallet to participate in auctions or to create and mint your Cryptographs.

Can You Make Money?

Yes, there are opportunities to make money on the Cryptograph platform. Here are a few ways and some advice:

1. Artists: Artists can earn money by creating and auctioning digital art pieces on Cryptograph. Each time a digital artwork is sold or resold, the artist continues to earn a percentage of the sale, providing a sustainable revenue stream. As an artist, the key is to create unique and attractive artworks to draw interest from potential buyers.

2. Buyers and Investors: Buyers can invest in digital artworks with the hope that their value will appreciate over time. When the Cryptograph is resold in the future, the current owner will receive a percentage of the sale. So, buying low and selling high could lead to substantial profits. However, like any asset or investment, this comes with risk, and anyone looking to invest should thoroughly research the art piece, the artist, and the overall market condition.

3. Participation Advice: Be active and attentive. Monitor the market trends for digital art, participate in discussions, keep an eye on promising artists, and stay engaged in the community.

4. Educational Angle: Make sure you understand how transactions are done on the platform. Familiarize yourself with Ethereum and how to handle a digital wallet. Cryptograph operations are entirely embedded in blockchain technology, so having at least basic knowledge about it will be useful.

Lastly, remember that while there are opportunities to earn, the platform is also about fostering the digital art community and supporting charitable causes. The art and causes you invest in should align with your personal interests and values.


Cryptograph presents a unique confluence of digital art and blockchain technology, offering artists an innovative avenue to monetize their creations and supporting charitable causes simultaneously. Through tokenization on the Ethereum blockchain, it ensures immutability, scarcity, and verifiable ownership of digital artworks. However, being a relatively new platform, it has its challenges, including dependency on the Ethereum blockchain and the necessity for users to be conversant with cryptocurrency transactions. Its marketplace is still being established and the value of digital art can be highly volatile. Nevertheless, with robust security measures and a host of features such as perpetual earnings for artists and a prior-owner rewards system, Cryptograph presents an appealing platform for artists, collectors, and investors in the ever-evolving NFT space.


Q: What is the general concept of Cryptograph?

A: Cryptograph is a platform for creating and trading unique digital art pieces, known as Cryptographs, which are tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain.

Q: Who founded Cryptograph and when was it launched?

A: Cryptograph was launched in 2020 by co-founders Hugo McDonaugh and Edouard Bessire.

Q: How does Cryptograph utilize blockchain technology?

A: Cryptograph uses the Ethereum blockchain to tokenize digital artworks, ensuring their uniqueness and verifiable ownership.

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cryptograph?

A: Pros include its use of blockchain for art authenticity, continuous earnings for artists, and its philanthropic model; cons involve its relatively young marketplace, reliance on Ethereum, necessary cryptocurrency knowledge, and the volatile digital art market.

Q: How does Cryptograph handle security?

A: Cryptograph incorporates the Ethereum blockchain's security measures, allows buyers to control their token private keys, and avoids storing sensitive user information.

Q: Can you explain how Cryptograph works?

A: Artists create digital art, which is then tokenized and put for auction on Cryptograph; a portion of proceeds go to the artist and a charity with each sale, and previous owners earn from resales.

Q: What makes Cryptograph unique?

A: Cryptographs unique features include its use of blockchain for tokenizing art, its continuous earning system for artists, its integration of philanthropy and the financial reward for prior owners during resales.

Q: How do I join Cryptograph?

A: Joining Cryptograph involves visiting the website, connecting a digital wallet like MetaMask or WalletConnect, confirming wallet ownership, and completing your profile setup.

Q: Is there potential to earn money on Cryptograph?

A: Yes, artists can earn through the sale and resale of their artworks, and buyers can potentially profit from reselling art at higher prices.

Q: Can you provide an overall assessment of Cryptograph?

A: Cryptograph offers a unique platform for art tokenization on the Ethereum blockchain, with potential for artist earnings and philanthropic impacts, despite being young and reliant on volatile digital art market conditions.

Risk Warning

Investing in blockchain projects carries inherent risks, stemming from the intricate and groundbreaking technology, regulatory ambiguities, and market unpredictability. Consequently, it is highly advisable to conduct comprehensive research, seek professional guidance, and engage in financial consultations before venturing into such investments. It's important to be aware that the value of cryptocurrency assets can experience significant fluctuations and may not be suitable for all investors.