

China 2021-04-13 15:40
In 2017, UGC is called UGT. And Yang zhang, binghua Wu and Bing Liu issued UGT, a hundred million in total. 50% of it was used as ico. They collected nearly 50,000 Ethereum and they showed off. At that time, 94 crisis occurred. UGT was facing to be off shelves. They just sold 13,000 Ethereum compared to their 50,000 coins. So they decided to change their name to UGC and made the total amount become a thousand million. The exchange rate is 1:10. So the total 13 million UGT became a hundred million UGC. The well-positioned blockchain game track, coupled with the myth of thousand times currency created by ico at that time, made many people willing to continue to hold firmly to this project. After going through the 94 crisis, Zhang Yang began to set up a bigger round. For the next round of major events, the team did not even plan to prepare for the New Year. Because they launched OKex exchange in early January. During the period, Li Jun (formerly the founder of OneBit) was brought in to open the platform for ugc. On January 25, 2018, ugc ushered in its own highlight moment: on the one hand, the ugc team attended the annual meeting of Jianan Zhizhi. On the other hand, high-profile official announcements at the annual meeting, various in-depth cooperation (formally announced the strategic cooperation with Jianan Zhizhi, and the establishment of industrial funds by listed companies such as Keda, People's Venture Capital, Yunyou Holdings, and Huicong.com , And the first investment in the ugchain project), the investment of up to 1 billion and other benefits have made currency holders excited. They feel that this is a practical application of the blockchain, and they feel that they have chosen the right project. But no one thought that this was just a scammer’s packaging for harvesting. From the annual meeting a few days later, the highest was 1.6 yuan, and the lowest was 0.002 yuan. In August last year, he was removed from the shelves by okex and the team lost contact. After being nakedly induced to harvest, investors naturally want to defend their rights, and in the process of defending their rights, they discovered many problems that they hadn't noticed before. Many investors reported that when they went to ugc for inspection, they were all taken to the office of Jianan Zhizhi on the 30th floor of Kaidi Yinzuo, Hangzhou. To put it bluntly, the ugc team is based in Jianan Zhizhi. The aftermath of ugc is also very thorough. First, the company was written off in September of 2018, and the holding company was also written off by the way. First, Chongqing Lianzi Technology Co., Ltd. was cancelled on September 3, 2018, and then the 51 block was cancelled on the 25th of the same month. Now ugc does not have any trading platform (only some investors open a liquid pool on uniswap by themselves), and it can basically be confirmed as zero. What is interesting is that Zhang Yang and others have not mentioned at any time in any scene whether ugchain still exists or not, and how the more than 40,000 eth raised are consumed.

在17年的时候,ugc还不叫ugc,而是叫ugt。在2017年的时候,当时张扬,吴兵华,刘兵等人(其背后公司为北京五一区块有限公司,现已注销)发行了ugt,总量一个亿,其中50%用来做ico。当时的私募都是用以太坊进行,成本价折合2.7元人民币左右,募资获得的以太坊,将近5万枚,当时还引得项目方还大肆炫耀一番。随后传说中94就来了,ugt面临退币和下架压力。据统计收来的将近5万枚以太坊,只退出去了1.3万枚左右。于是张扬召集新团队(于海霞,何适等人)将ugt更名为ugc,并且将总发行量上调至10亿,对投资者手里的币进行了1:10的兑换。然后将清退的1300万枚ugt折算成1亿枚ugc,在新币中进行了销毁。如此一来,从表面上来就不能直接定义成ico,只是新老币之间的兑换罢了。时间节点上来算,ugc算是相对比较早的一批项目,本身定位不错的区块链游戏赛道,加上当时ico造就的千倍币神话,让很多人对这个项目愿意继续坚定持有。 在渡过了94危机之后,张扬开始布下了一轮更大的局,为了下一轮的大事,团队甚至不打算准备过年了。因为他们在1月初上线了OKex交易所。期间拉拢李钧(原壹比特创始人)为ugc公开站台。2018年的1月25日,ugc迎来了自己的高光时刻:一方面,ugc的团队出席了嘉楠耘智的年会。另一方面,在年会上的高调官宣,各种深度合作(正式对外宣布和嘉楠耘智达成战略合作,由科达股份,人民创投,云游控股,慧聪网等上市公司成立产业基金,并且首个投资ugchain项目),高达10个亿的投资等利好,让持币用户兴奋不已,觉得这是区块链落地的实际应用,更觉得自己选对了项目。但是谁都没想到这仅仅是骗子为了收割而进行的包装,从年会几天之后最高的1.6元,最低的时候0.002元。在去年的8月份,被okex下架,团队失联。被赤裸裸的诱导收割,投资人自然是要维权的,而且在维权的过程中发现了很多之前没注意到的问题。很多投资者反映,当时去ugc考察的时候,都是被拉到杭州市凯迪银座30楼的嘉楠耘智办公地点参观考察。直白来讲,ugc团队就是在嘉楠耘智办公的。ugc的善后工作也做的很彻底,首先是在18年的9月份就把公司注销掉了,并且顺道把控股公司也都一并注销干净。先是在18年9月3号将重庆链资科技有限公司注销掉,然后在同月的25号将五一区块注销掉。现在的ugc已经没有了任何交易平台(只有某些投资人自行在uniswap上开流动池),基本可以确认为归零。有意思的是,截至目前张扬等人没有在任何时间,任何场景提到过ugchain到底还存在不存在,募集来的4万多个eth是怎么消耗完的。

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