A Site Visit to Cashierest Which Has Practical Address

South Korea South Korea
Field Survey Time:2021-01-27
A Site Visit to Cashierest Which Has Practical Address
A Site Visit to Cashierest Which Has Practical AddressA Site Visit to Cashierest Which Has Practical AddressA Site Visit to Cashierest Which Has Practical Address

Seongdong, Seoul, South Korea


With the promulgation of Special Financial Law, virtual assets have been officially legalized in South Korea, and cryptocurrency exchanges will also be officially regarded as financial institutions. In order to help investors learn about the cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea comprehensively, the inspection team decided to visit it.

On-the-spot investigation

According to the regulatory information, the cryptocurrency exchange Cashierest is located at 641, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, which was surveyed by the investigation team. 



The inspection team arrived at the office Building located at 641, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. The building is not tall and near the road with only a 5-minute walk from Seonjeongneung Metro Station which is very convenient for transportation.


The name of the cryptocurrency exchange Cashierest can be seen at the door of the building, and its office is on the first floor.

Investigation summary

Through this investigation, the inspection team confirms that the business address of cryptocurrency exchange Cashierest in Seoul is in line with that on the regulatory information. It was observed that there are three offices with a total of more than 10 cubicles. Please choose carefully.


The above contents and opinions are for reference only, not for final selection criterion .

Broker Information

Stoppage of Business



Stoppage of Business | 5-10 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | High potential risk
  • Company Name: Cashierest
  • Country/ Region of Registry: South Korea
  • Abbreviation: Cashierest
  • Official Email: --
  • Twitter : --
  • Facebook : --
  • Customer Service Number: --