A Visit to Phemex in US - No Office Found

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2024-01-24
A Visit to Phemex in US - No Office Found
A Visit to Phemex in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Phemex in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Phemex in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Phemex in US - No Office Found

West Alameda Avenue, Denver, Colorado, United States

Reason for this visit

East Asia and North America (dominated by the United States) are home to the world‘s two largest cryptocurrency exchange markets, with the trading volume making up nearly half of that in the global crypto market. In contrast with many exchanges in East Asia, the crypto platforms in the US are more strictly regulated. In the meantime, Coinbase, the world’s top one cryptocurrency exchange, is based in the US. In an attempt to help investors to get a more comprehensive understanding of the exchanges in the US, WikiBit survey team decide to go to the country for on-site visits to the local companies.

On-site visit

In this issue, the survey team went to Colorado in the US to visit cryptocurrency exchange Phemex as planned according to its regulatory address that 1312 17th Street, Suite 692, Denver, Colorado, 80202.

The investigators came to the 1312 17th Street in Denver CBD in the US on August 24, 2023. A building is situated at the corner of the bustling street surrounded by a clean environment.


After entering the building, the survey personnel found the only company named “POST NET” which provided one-stop services including design, print, and post, without any information concerning suite 692. According to the staff working for the company, many companies used its location as their correspondence address. Finally, no information related to company Phemex was spotted.

Through an on-site investigation, it is confirmed that Phemex doesnt have a presence at the location.




The survey team went to the US to visit cryptocurrency exchange Phemex, and didn‘t find the company at its regulatory address. This suggests that the company doesn’t have a physical business office at the place. Therefore, investors are advised to choose the exchange cautiously.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information




2-5 years | MSB License | Suspicious Overrun | High potential risk
  • Company Name: phemex
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Singapore
  • Abbreviation: phemex
  • Official Email: Support@phemex. com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/phemex_official
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Phemex.official
  • Customer Service Number: --