Site Visit to Coinbase pro No Real Place to Do Business

United Kingdom United Kingdom
Field Survey Time:2021-01-22
 Site Visit to Coinbase pro No Real Place to Do Business
 Site Visit to Coinbase pro No Real Place to Do Business Site Visit to Coinbase pro No Real Place to Do Business Site Visit to Coinbase pro No Real Place to Do Business

17 Johnson's Court, London, England


The UK cryptocurrency market is one of the most active and liquid markets in the world. According to CryptoCompare data, the UK ranks 11th in the most active Bitcoin market. Most British people buy cryptocurrency on online cryptocurrency exchanges. In order to help investors learn about the broker comprehensively, the inspection team decided to visit it.

On-the-spot investigation

According to the regulatory information, cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase pro is located at 5 Fleet Place London, EC4M 7RD, United Kingdom, which was surveyed by the investigation team. 


The inspection team arrived at the destination, a building named 5 Fleet Place. There are high-rise office buildings of similar style near the building, which seems very prosperous.



The inspection team didn’t see the logo or name of Coinbase pro after entering the building, going back empty-handed.

Investigation summary

After being regulated by the investigation team, the office of the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase pro in London does not really exist. Please choose carefully.


The above contents and opinions are for reference only, not for final selection criterion .

Broker Information




10-15 years | MTL License | EMI License | Digital Currency License
  • Company Name: coinbase
  • Country/ Region of Registry: United States
  • Abbreviation: coinbase
  • Official Email:
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  • Customer Service Number: --