A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange OKCOIN in Malta to Find No Real Business Premises Here

Malta Malta
Field Survey Time:2021-01-27
A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange OKCOIN in Malta to Find No Real Business Premises Here
A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange OKCOIN in Malta to Find No Real Business Premises HereA Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange OKCOIN in Malta to Find No Real Business Premises HereA Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange OKCOIN in Malta to Find No Real Business Premises Here

Ta' Xbiex, Malta Majjistral, Malta

Inspection Reason

As the smallest member of the European Union, Malta hopes to make this Mediterranean island country one of the most cryptocurrency-friendly regions in the world through policies and regulations. With Binance and OKEx, two of the world's top five cryptocurrency exchanges choosing Malta as their operation center, other exchanges have followed suit. In order to help investors know Malta's cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively, the inspection team went to Malta for on-site visits.

Inspection Process

The investigators went to Ta' Xbiex, Malta to visit the cryptocurrency exchange OKCOIN. The address is 30, TA'XBIEX SUGUGUSTUS BARTOLO STREET Room 4.



The investigators came to the destination, which was located in an office building on SIR AUGUSTUS BARTOLO STREET in Ta' Xbiex, Malta. They found the logo of a company called "NCMB" outside the building, but didn't find the logo or name of the currency exchange OKCOIN.


The name of the cryptocurrency exchange OKCOIN was not found on the sign outside the building.

Inspection Conclusion

The investigators went to visit the cryptocurrency exchange OKCOIN in Ta' Xbiex, Malta. They couldn't find its business premises according to the public business address, indicating that the cryptocurrency exchange OKCOIN may not have a real business premises. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully.

Inspection Statement

The above content and opinions are for reference only and not as the final selection basis.

Broker Information




10-15 years | Digital Currency License | MTL License | Common Financial Service License
  • Company Name: OKCOIN
  • Country/ Region of Registry: China
  • Abbreviation: OKCOIN
  • Official Email: support@okcoin.com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/OKcoin
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