

关于Hotbit回购HTB数量的公告(2021年3月9日下午04:00 - 2021年3月16日下午04:00 UTC)


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2021-04-30 11:59

Dear Respected Hotbit Users,  According to the rules and regulations of “The Announcement Regarding the Adjustments on Hotbit’s Transaction Fees” published by Hotbit on February 10th, 2020 UTC.  During 04:00 PM,March 9, 2021 - 04:00 PM, March 16, 2021, the volume of transaction fee generated and calculated in HTB on Hotbit is HTB. 50% Among all HTB of them ( HTB) will be transferred into the following address for destruction: 0x8e5779C8fE52a14f27691181A55b4617Fb32A698  For detailed information, please refer to the following TXID:https://cn.etherscan.com/tx/0x10729b4d945d9c841952f7e57bfb9cfdc559fea7a2f555099d3a20cb2a277bff    The other 50% of all 1,683,791 HTB ( 841,895.5 HTB)will be transferred into the following address and remain frozen: 0x36B85AeA5F54761E09f687dD6642b4Cf07b607cA  For detailed information, please refer to the following TXID: https://cn.etherscan.com/tx/0xd103d387c5d32da77bbf70014eb427f7529ef5ede3d5d084d5c747dff2a0e165    Hence, the accurate data distribution is listed as follows:  The amount of HTB to be destructed is 119,553,003.1614  The amount of HTB in frozen status is 1,588,396,823.54 The current amount of HTB in circulation is 792,050,193.303 For detailed information regarding HTB destruction and frozen status, please refer to: https://hotbit.zendesk.comhttps://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043594273-    Hotbit Team March 17th, 2021