
Sally ND护肤品专柜

2021-11-08 04:39
该账号根本无法登录KKCOIN官网,卸载后也无法再次下载。 10月初,我想退出平台,要求我盈利20%。我存了定金并在 10/6 日付款。 48小时后,8号去提现的时候,客服告诉我账户里有非法资金。我需要支付50%的钱和65000左右的押金才能解冻账户。我又去取钱了,12号又把66000的定金打到了账户上交定金。 14号又去提现了,客服又通知我,我的账户是高风险账户。由于账户被多次冻结,如果想立即提现,支付5万元即可解除高风险账户的风险。否则,您将不得不等待两个月才能撤回。我说我真的没钱,等12/14/21再等两个月。谁知道昨天下午 11/06/21 发生了翻天覆地的变化。 KKCOIN App空白,官网找不到我的账号。我现在不知道该怎么办!我希望任何好心​​人都可以帮助我。我的微信ID是sallykuang89,看看如何重新下载KKCOIN到我的手机,以便联系客服。

The account cannot be logged in on the KKCOIN official website at all, and it cannot be downloaded again after uninstallation. At the beginning of October, I want to withdraw the platform and require me to make a profit of 20% after the profit. I made a deposit and paid on the 10/6th. 48 hours later, when I went to withdraw on the 8th, I was told by the customer service that there was an illegal fund in my account. I need to pay 50% of the money and a deposit of 65000 or so to unfreeze the account. I went to collect the money again, and on the 12th, another deposit of 66000 will be paid to the account to pay the deposit. I went to withdraw cash again on the 14th, and the customer service notified me again that my account is a high-risk account. Since the account has been frozen many times, if you want to withdraw immediately, you can pay 50,000 yuan to remove the risk of the high-risk account. Otherwise, you will have to wait two months before you can withdraw it. I said I really don’t have money, so wait for two months on 12/14/21. Who knows that 11/06/21 changed drastically yesterday afternoon. The KKCOIN App is blank and the official website cannot find my account. I don't know what to do now! I hope any kind person can help me. My WeChat ID code is sallykuang89 to see how to download KKCOIN to my phone again, so that I can contact customer service.



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