Bank transfer (ACH) frequently asked questions


Связанный тип: Others

2021-06-02 07:45

The bank transfer (ACH) program will be available to all customers in the near future, please keep an eye out for a news release for when this new deposit and withdrawal method will be available!   Please review the commonly asked questions about bank transfers with Bittrex, if you are having issues verifying the credentials for your financial institution, making a deposit, or a withdraw.    GENERAL QUESTIONS:    I do not have a Bank Transfer button on the Holdings page of my Bittrex account. What needs to be done for this feature to be visible on my account?  If you are unable to see the Bank Account button appear on the web sidebar or in the app, this could mean you are not eligible for ACH. Please ensure you live in a fiat enabled state, have your account fully verified, and have 2FA enabled on your account. I am unable to see my existing bank options once bank transfer is selected. What do I need to do to use these previously added accounts?  If you are unable to view your bank listed in the ACH drop down menu, this means that your bank is not eligible for ACH deposit and withdrawals at this time. If you would like to deposit fiat currency, you are able to submit a fiat application to deposit via bank wire or deposit via debit card at this time. I'm unable to select my financial institution for verification. What can be done?  The financial institution you are looking for might not be supported though our partners at Plaid. It is also a possibility that your financial institution is supported by Plaid, but is unable to do business with cryptocurrency exchanges or services. If the financial institution you are looking for is not on the list, we will not be able to support deposits and withdrawals. We ask that you use different banking credentials for a supported institution.  I have selected my financial institution from the list, but am having trouble verifying my credentials though Bittrex. How can I proceed with making a deposit from my account?  Please double check that you are selecting the correct financial institution from the list before entering in your credentials. You will need to attempt your log in again as an incorrect password or username might have been used. If this does not work, please test the credentials you are using by logging into your financial institution website using the same credentials. It is possible that your financial institution requires you to acknowledge, through your online banking, that you are using your banking information with third party apps. SPECIFIC ERROR CODES:  Error Code: "Couldn't connect to your institution." What needs to be done so I can link the account in question?  This error code is received when Plaid is unable to complete the linking process between Bittrex and your financial institution. This can happen for a number of reasons, but is usually caused by minor issues that are quickly resolved. If you are trying to make an immediate deposit, we recommend attempting to link another financial institution so you are able to deposit. Once the issue causing the connection failure is resolved, you will be able to link the original financial account.  Error Code: “Username or password incorrect.” What needs to be done to resolve this issue?  If this error code is received, we recommend that you confirm your username and password by logging into your financial account from a secure web browser. When searching your financial institution while linking through Plaid, double check that the correct institution is being selected. There are many similar names on the institution list, and choosing the wrong one may result in this error code.  Error Code: "Action required with your account." How can this be resolved?  Requirements for linking an account varies from institution to institution. Some require certain steps to be met before the account can be linked to your Bittrex account. Please confirm if this is needed for your account by logging directly into your institutions online banking and looking for settings that allow you to share your data before attempting to link this account again.  Error Code: "Username incorrect." What are the reasons behind receiving this error?  This error may be received if you have updated your username associated with your financial account since your account has been linked to your Bittrex account. If we are notified of the username update, we will reach out and ask that you re-connect your account with the update credentials. If you are not prompted to confirm your new credentials, you may need to remove the banking information from your Bittrex account, and re-verify your updated username.  Error Code: "Your account settings are incompatible." Can I still link my account if this error is received?  There may be certain account settings at your financial institution that prevent Bittrex from establishing a connection with the institution. If this error is received, further work will need to be done by Bittrex and their partners before this account can be supported for bank transfers.