ニュース Twitter Might Be Tied To Crypto Under Elon Musk’s Administration



2022-10-31 12:08
Bloomberg today proposed numerous methods for Musk, who has a tangled connection with cryptocurrencies, to introduce more crypto into Twitter, including utilizing blockchain to limit the appearance of bots, a subject that sparked a court struggle between Musk and the business that endangered the acquisition.

Musk, a frequent tweeter, has had a mixed relationship with cryptocurrency, appearing to embrace it one minute and dismiss it the next.

Bloomberg pointed out that hasn’t prevented industry advocates from envisioning a broadening of Twitter’s blockchain features under his leadership, which would increase general usage. Their joy is likely to have boosted interest in Dogecoin, Musk’s preferred cryptocurrency, which has risen in the days building up to his eventually closing the sale.

According to the newspaper, a Musk “super app” that expands Twitter into chat, gaming, payments, and other areas may be in the works, and digital assets may play a role. NFTs may possibly enter the picture, though Musk has previously avoided them.
