

2024-05-01 13:36
Prospek skalabilitas teknologi bagus, namun perlu perbaikan untuk sepenuhnya memenuhi tuntutan pasar. Tim menunjukkan transparansi dan pengalaman, namun perkembangan lebih lanjut diperlukan dalam mekanisme konsensus dan keamanan. Potensi pertumbuhan ada, namun persaingan pasar dapat menjadi tantangan. Partisipasi komunitas tinggi, dukungan bagus, namun komunikasi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mencapai kesuksesan jangka panjang.

The scalability of DOGGO technology is promising, but could use some improvements to fully meet market demands. The team shows transparency and experience, but further development is needed in terms of consensus mechanisms and security. There is potential for growth, but competition in the market may pose challenges. The community is engaged and supportive, but more communication is needed for long-term success.

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