

2023-11-30 22:04
Flare Network bertujuan untuk menghadirkan fungsionalitas kontrak pintar ke berbagai jaringan blockchain, dimulai dengan integrasi Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). FLR, token asli, digunakan untuk tata kelola, jaminan, dan partisipasi dalam aplikasi terdesentralisasi (DApps) Flare Network. Fokus interoperabilitas proyek dan penciptaan jembatan tanpa kepercayaan antara berbagai blockchain membedakannya. Memantau kemajuan, kolaborasi, dan penerapan platform kontrak pintar Flare Network dapat memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya RENTANG yang berkelanjutan.

Flare Network aims to bring smart contract functionality to various blockchain networks, starting with the integration of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). FLR, the native token, is used for governance, collateral, and participating in the Flare Network's decentralized applications (DApps). The project's interoperability focus and the creation of a trustless bridge between different blockchains distinguish it. Monitoring Flare Network's progress, collaborations, and the adoption of its smart contract platform can offer insights into the ongoing significance of FLR.

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