
Jack 296

2023-04-29 22:28
Kami telah menerima aplikasi Anda, tarif pajak untuk transaksi cryptocurrency sama dengan transaksi pasar keuangan tradisional, pajak capital gain di AS dibagi menjadi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, menurut IRS, jika keuntungan cryptocurrency Anda mencapai $10.000 atau lebih, Anda harus membayar pajak keuntungan modal jangka pendek sebesar 20% dari total keuntungan Anda Total keuntungan Anda per 28 April 2023 adalah $292.920 akan dikenakan pajak keuntungan modal jangka pendek sebesar $58.584,00.

We have received your application, the tax rate for cryptocurrency transactions is the same as for traditional financial market transactions, the capital gains tax in the US is divided into short term and long term, according to the IRS, if your cryptocurrency profits reach $10,000 or more, you should pay a short term capital gains tax of 20% of your total profits Your Total profits as of April 28, 2023 are $292,920 will be subject to a short-term capital gains tax of $58,584.00.

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