

2023-08-28 19:24
The person who downloaded the AISMEX app took the initiative to invite friends to chat on the Internet, but they have not met in person. During the process, the friends handed over how to operate the investment. They kept saying that there were insiders who knew that the platform was about to be listed, and induced recharge funds to apply for renting advanced mining machines. Obtaining a stable and high rate of return, in the middle is to help rent mining machines and remit funds to my account. Therefore, I also invest a lot of money to rent high-end mining machines. Gold, coin withdrawal, channel repair deposit, income tax, etc. My friend also helped to raise the payment of the deposit, but the result was still unable to withdraw and the account was permanently frozen. My friend also lost contact in a car accident. I suspect that he and this platform are the same fraud group. Querying the wallet address and putting funds into my account is suspected of being a fake USDT transaction, so I was induced to defraud and suffered heavy losses. The app has been taken off the shelves, and the website address is constantly changing. Many people have been victimized. Please pay attention to the AISMEX or AISM platform. Even if you apply for the MBS supervision certificate, it still cannot protect the assets of investors.

Texto original
AISMEX app下載連結者為網路主動邀請交友聊天,但沒有見過面,朋友過程中手把手交你如何操作投資,一直說有內線知道該平台即將要上市,誘導充值資金申請租用高級礦機,可獲得穩定高額的收益率,中間為幫忙租用礦機,匯入資金至我的帳戶,我因此也大量投入資金,為租用高級礦機,等要提幣時線上客服利用交洗黑錢自證金、提幣和通道修復保證金、收益稅金等,朋友也幫忙籌措保證金的繳交,結果還是無法提領被永久凍結帳戶,朋友也莫名車禍失聯,懷疑他和此平台是同一個詐騙集團,查詢錢包地址投入我帳戶資金疑似假USDT交易,故被誘導詐騙,損失慘重。該app已下架,網站地址不斷更換,已經有多人受害,請大家注意AISMEX或AISM平台,即使有申請MBS監管證明,還是無法保障投資人的資產。

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