

China 2021-03-21 20:16
On the other hand, the high-profile official announcements at the annual meeting, various in-depth cooperation, and investment of up to 1 billion made currency holders excited. They felt that this was a practical application of the blockchain, and that they were about to become wealthy. Investors thought it was a good thing to buy OK, but they didn't expect that except for a glorious moment after the opening of the market, it would then fall all the way, with the highest of 1.6 yuan and the lowest of 0.002 yuan. In August last year, it was removed by okex. When looking up relevant information about ugc, I found that everyone's evaluation of this project in the last year and this year was objective and fair in general. Many investors reported that when they went to ugc for inspection, they were all taken to the office of Canaan Creative on the 30th floor of Kaidi Yinzuo, Hangzhou.

另一方面,在年会上的高调官宣,各种深度合作,高达10个亿的投资等利好,让持币用户兴奋不已,觉得这是区块链落地的实际应用,更觉得自己快要财富自由了。投资者们本以为上了OK是利好,但没想到除了在开盘之后有过光辉时刻,随后就是一路下跌,最高的时候1.6元,最低的时候0.002元。 在去年的8月份,被okex下架。 在查阅关于ugc相关资料的时候,发现了前年和今年大家对这个项目的评价,总体来说,客观公正。 很多投资者反映,当时去ugc考察的时候,都是被拉到杭州市凯迪银座30楼的嘉楠耘智办公地点参观考察。

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