A Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business Venue

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2021-01-29
A Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business Venue
A Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business VenueA Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business VenueA Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business VenueA Site Visit to bitFlyer, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in San Francisco, U.S – Fake Business Venue

Sutter Street, San Francisco, California, United States

Reason for Visit

East Asia and North America (mainly the United States) are the world’s two largest cryptocurrency trading markets, with trading volume accounting for about half of the global crypto market. Compared with various exchanges in East Asia, exchanges in the US are subject to stricter regulation. Besides, Coinbase is the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US; To help investors better understand cryptocurrency exchanges in the US, our investigation team went to the US to carry out a site visit.

Site Visit

The investigation team paid a visit to bitFlyer at 548 Market St, #25696 San Francisco, CA.



According to the address mentioned above, the investigation team arrived at the destination of the visit, which is located in the building at 548 Market St, San Francisco, US. The building is located in an office block surrounded by prosperous high-rises. The team did not find the logo or other information of bitFlyer outside the building, and the gate of the building was closed, thus the team had to go home.


A notice was posted outside the door of Building 548: All deliveries for 548 MARKET STREET should go to 544 Market Suite 275 - Earth Class Mail (local post office). Judging from this, the building may have been closed.


The investigation team tried to visit bitFlyer in San Francisco, US. Its office building on its publicly displayed address may have been closed. The team did not find bitFlyer's logo or other information, which means bitFlyer may not have a real business venue. Investors are advised to choose this exchange prudently.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information




10-15 years | Digital Currency License | MTL License | EMI License
  • Company Name: bitFlyer
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Japan
  • Abbreviation: bitFlyer
  • Official Email: info.eu@bitflyer.com
  • Twitter : https://x.com/bitFlyer
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bitFlyerUSA
  • Customer Service Number: --