A Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office Found

United Kingdom United Kingdom
Field Survey Time:2023-02-13
A Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office Found
A Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office FoundA Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office FoundA Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office FoundA Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office FoundA Visit to Blockchain in UK -- No Office Found

Edgware Road, London, England

Reason for this visit

The Crypto market in the UK is one of the most active markets in the world. According to the CryptoCompare, the trading activity there is so significant that the UK ranks 11th among the most active Crypto markets, with the majority of Brits buying cryptocurrencies online through cryptocurrency exchanges. To help investors know more about the local exchanges, the survey team will go to UK for on-site visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team visited the cryptocurrency exchange Blockchain in London, UK, with the specific address at 2 Tallis Street London EC4 Y0AB UNITED KINGDOM.


The investigation team arrived at the destination in accordance with the above address, where a detached building with red bricks and white wall stands near the west of the Blackfriars Station. It is one of a few business office buildings which boast parking lots, shower, and bicycle racks. In addition, the flexible office space of the building is equipped with plenty of conference facilities and professional business lounge rooms in line with high standards, where customers can enjoy informal meetings.

It takes a-few-minute walk from the building to the Blackfriars Station (circle line, district line, and main line), and you can walk to the Chancery Lane (central line).


Visitors are allowed to enter the building after registration with an appointment, where a company directory and a service desk can be seen. But there is no company named Blockchain listed on the directory. After checking the information at the reception in the lobby, it is confirmed that this company does not exist in this building. Therefore, the survey staff has affirmed that the actual address of Blockchain is inconsistent with the listed one.


The survey personnel went to London, UK to visit the cryptocurrency exchange Blockchain as planned, but did not find the office of the exchange at its publicly displayed business address, which means that the cryptocurrency exchange Blockchain may not have a physical business venue. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information




10-15 years | MSB License | Suspicious Overrun | High potential risk
  • Company Name: Blockchain.com
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Luxembourg
  • Abbreviation: Blockchain.com
  • Official Email: --
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/blockchain
  • Facebook : https://facebook.com/blockchain
  • Customer Service Number: --