A Site Visit to namebase, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in London, UK – Fake Business Venue

United Kingdom United Kingdom
Field Survey Time:2021-01-27
A Site Visit to namebase, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in London, UK – Fake Business Venue
A Site Visit to namebase, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in London, UK – Fake Business VenueA Site Visit to namebase, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in London, UK – Fake Business VenueA Site Visit to namebase, a Cryptocurrency Exchange in London, UK – Fake Business Venue

49-59 Old Street, London, England

Reason for Visit

The UK's cryptocurrency market is one of the most active and liquid markets in the world. According to CryptoCompare, the UK ranks 11th in the most active cryptocurrency market. Most British people tend to buy cryptocurrency through online crypto exchanges. To help investors better understand cryptocurrency exchanges in the UK, our investigation team went to the UK to carry out a site visit.

Site Visit

The investigation team paid a visit to namebase at 6 Honduras Street London, United Kingdom.



The investigation team came to the destination of the visit, which is an office building "Aperture House" at 6 Honduras Street, London, England. The building is located in an alley, far away from the subway station, with inconvenient transportation.

Outside the building, the investigation team did not find logo or name of namebase, and the gate of the building was closed, so they had to leave.


The investigation team tried to visit namebase in London, UK. However, they did not find the office of the exchange at the business address on the regulatory information, which indicates that namebase does not have a real business venue. Investors are advised to choose this exchange prudently.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information

No Regulation



2-5 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | High potential risk
  • Company Name: namebase
  • Country/ Region of Registry: United Kingdom
  • Abbreviation: namebase
  • Official Email: --
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/namebasehq
  • Facebook : --
  • Customer Service Number: +1 (857) 540-5647