A Visit to Metal X in US - No Office Found

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2024-03-18
A Visit to Metal X in US - No Office Found
A Visit to Metal X in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Metal X in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Metal X in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Metal X in US - No Office FoundA Visit to Metal X in US - No Office Found

683 4th Street, San Francisco, California, United States

Reason for this visit

The United States is one of the largest cryptocurrency markets globally, with major digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum gaining wide popularity, attracting a large number of investors and innovators. The US has a broad base of retail and institutional investors, including individual investors, hedge funds, family offices, and more. In terms of regulation, the SEC has been closely monitoring digital assets, with its regulatory stance on digital assets fluctuating at different times but overall emphasizing the protection of investor interests. The CFTC is primarily responsible for regulating the futures and derivatives markets of digital assets and has approved products such as Bitcoin futures. Financial regulatory agencies in various states in the US are also taking measures, with some encouraging digital asset innovation and others adopting a cautious regulatory attitude. In the future, as institutional investor interest in digital assets grows, it is expected that an increasing number of institutional products and services will enter the market, thereby driving market growth. To help investors gain a more comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States, WikiBit survey team decides to go to the country for on-site visit to local companies.

On-site visit

In this issue, the survey team went to the US to visit cryptocurrency exchange Metal X as planned according to its regulatory address that 660 4th St. #107, San Francisco, California, 94107.

The investigators came to 660 4th Street in San Francisco of California in the US for a visit to the exchange‘s office on October 16, 2023, and spotted a commercial building featuring a red-brick façade in a prime location of the city. The UPS Store is situated on the ground floor of the building without stairs. In the meantime, there was no signs of company Metal X in the building. And the mailboxes didn’t show any information.


According to the UPS staff, they had never heard of company “Metal X”.

Through an on-site investigation, it is confirmed that the company doesnt have a presence at the location.


The survey team went to the US to visit cryptocurrency exchange Metal X, but didnt find the company at its regulatory address. This suggests that the company might just register at the place without a physical business office. Therefore, investors should be meticulous in choosing the exchange.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information


Metal X


2-5 years | MSB License | Suspicious Overrun | High potential risk
  • Company Name: Metal X
  • Country/ Region of Registry: United States
  • Abbreviation: Metal X
  • Official Email: support@metalx.com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/metalxofficial
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/metalxofficial/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARD-RiKkEtXL6DMpy7gzbgGKCEG_zZDm0GyKqczwoPvSvRw02c-pq_lddrb7o09ziyPl9RzuZkGALJH2
  • Customer Service Number: --