Independent Local Stablecoin Booming in South Korea’s Buyeo

Independent Local Stablecoin Booming in South Korea’s Buyeo

The circulation of a local stablecoin operated by South Korea’s Buyeo County has exceeded the USD 93m mark as the county looks to expand the use of its token.

News 2021-04-02 12:24
South Korea to launch blockchain-based vaccine passports

South Korea to launch blockchain-based vaccine passports

The Prime Minister of South Korea has announced a blockchain-based vaccine certificate will launch later this month, but the concept has proven controversial across the world.

News 2021-04-01 14:34
不惧严格监管 研究发现韩国年轻一代趋于小金额加密投资

不惧严格监管 研究发现韩国年轻一代趋于小金额加密投资


News 2021-03-31 16:08
South Korea's 'Kimchi premium' is back: Is the Bitcoin rally starting to heat up?

South Korea's 'Kimchi premium' is back: Is the Bitcoin rally starting to heat up?

Demand for Bitcoin in South Korea is heating up as the country's BTC premium rises over 5%.

News 2021-03-30 14:13



News 2021-03-26 14:47
Sales and Income Rocket at South Korea’s Biggest Crypto Exchanges

Sales and Income Rocket at South Korea’s Biggest Crypto Exchanges

South Korean crypto exchanges are having a bumper 2021, with sales and income figures rising through the roof at the nation’s two largest trading platforms.

News 2021-03-25 15:03
South Korea Authorities Arrest Tax Evaders Hiding Assets in Crypto

South Korea Authorities Arrest Tax Evaders Hiding Assets in Crypto

On March 15, South Korea’s tax watchdogs announced they had caught over 2,400 culprits who had used crypto to hide their assets to avoid getting taxed. According to data collected by the National Tax Service, 2,416 tax evaders had accumulated $32M in cryptocurrencies, including BTC and ETH. The crackdown picked out individuals that had made profits over $10M while evading tax, and the NTS recovered all the hidden assets in cash and bonds.

News 2021-03-16 11:35
Inspired by Tesla, South Korean Crypto Moms Take the Bitcoin Plunge

Inspired by Tesla, South Korean Crypto Moms Take the Bitcoin Plunge

While demographic studies have shown in the past that the average crypto investor is young and male, the picture in 2021 might be changing, a recent report has found, with Millenials being edged out by boomers and Generation Xers. At least that is the case in South Korea, where a new wave of “crypto moms” is becoming increasingly interested in bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins.

News 2021-03-03 13:03
South Korean Financial Regulator Confirms Privacy Coin Delistings

South Korean Financial Regulator Confirms Privacy Coin Delistings

South Korean financial watchdogs are about to start overseeing crypto-related activities in the nation, and additional barriers for exchanges keep appearing. Moreover, one of the South Korean regulatory bodies codified the measures announced last year on privacy coin listings.

News 2021-02-23 13:52

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