China Doubles Down On Crypto FUD By Recycling Old Warnings

China Doubles Down On Crypto FUD By Recycling Old Warnings

The latter confirms that the bank will move to “block” and “ban” accounts that it suspects of crypto-related transactions, with offenders to be “reported” to “the relevant authorities.”

News 2021-06-22 15:14



News 2021-06-22 11:27
Major reasons why Paul Tudor Jones' 5% Bitcoin exposure advice is difficult for major funds

Major reasons why Paul Tudor Jones' 5% Bitcoin exposure advice is difficult for major funds

Major funds are most likely to be interested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but there are some difficulties preventing them from investing.

News 2021-06-21 13:45
Breaking News in Crypto: Market Analysis and Forecast.

Breaking News in Crypto: Market Analysis and Forecast.

ABSTRACT: •Bitcoin trading services introduced into a renowned world financial institution with other two other big institutions pledging to accept Bitcoin as means of payment. •UK records the greatest rise in Crypto Currency Holders with 2.3 million Holders in 2021. •First Class Paraguay Entertainment Group to Accept Bitcoin, Ether, SHIB as means of payment Starting from next month. •World Bank Rejects El Salvador's appeal for support in implementing Bitcoin as a legal tender. •Market Forecast for the Coming Week - Analysis and Predictions: Bitcoin and Altcoins at the greatest downside pressure and possibility of a great crash if support at 34K is broken.

News 2021-06-21 11:34
Dogecoin Skim Ponzi atau 'asset of the year' ?

Dogecoin Skim Ponzi atau 'asset of the year' ?

Walaupun Dogecoin (DOGE) mendapat perhatian yang luar biasa gara-gara hype oleh pengasas Tesla, Elon Musk, presiden Federal Reserve Bank of Minneaopolis, Neel Kashkari berpendapat sebaliknya, melabel matawang kripto itu sebagai ‘ponzi’.

News 2021-06-21 11:33


根据英国《泰晤士报》的报道,TSB即将禁止其客户用该银行管理的资金购买加密货币。据报道,TSB对与在该国运营的加密货币交易所有关的 “过高 ”欺诈率表示担忧。

News 2021-06-21 11:17
葡萄牙拥抱加密货币交易所 首次授予运营许可证

葡萄牙拥抱加密货币交易所 首次授予运营许可证

就在日前,该国央行宣布,葡萄牙交易所Criptoloja和Mind the Coin现在被列为虚拟资产服务提供商。他们是目前该银行在其网站上发布的名单中仅有的两家。

News 2021-06-21 10:56
Cryptos and the fiat currencies

Cryptos and the fiat currencies

The development of the cryptocurrencies was directly tied to the sentiments by the general public that they wanted control over their their own finances and Cryptos offered just that. Without centralised control, people with cryptos are able to make transactions without having to rely on banks since most of them are peer-to-peer currencies. This user autonomy is what makes cryptos an appealing option since there is no need to go through intermediary authorities.

News 2021-06-17 14:19
Trading Cryptos or Forex?

Trading Cryptos or Forex?

It's hard nowadays to look at the news or read an article without coming across something about cryptocurrencies. Despite it being a relatively new market it has drawn a lot of members and attention due to its value growing at an astonishing rate over the last decade. The general sentiment is that cryptos is the future of currencies, just as fiat currencies became digitalised and put into bank cards and enabled online transactions. We may just call it the evolution of finance.

News 2021-06-17 14:05



News 2021-06-17 10:20

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