The first regulator in the MENA region greenlights Binance, as the crypto exchange registers in Cana

The first regulator in the MENA region greenlights Binance, as the crypto exchange registers in Cana

Binance announces registration in Canada, as well as being greenlighted in the Kingdom of Bahrain, while Turkish authorities issue a hefty fine for the crypto exchange’s local unit over failing to comply with the country’s new regulations.

News 2021-12-28 02:17
This is how the central bank can bar Russians from buying Bitcoin

This is how the central bank can bar Russians from buying Bitcoin

The central bank of Russia is considering a ban on all crypto-related card payments, experts revealed.

News 2021-12-26 21:25
SEC postpones decisions on Bitcoin ETFs from Bitwise and Grayscale until February

SEC postpones decisions on Bitcoin ETFs from Bitwise and Grayscale until February

US financial watchdog delayed decisions on the two ETFs that would allow more direct exposure to Bitcoin until early February.

News 2021-12-19 13:30
Here is why Binance is leaving Singapore

Here is why Binance is leaving Singapore

Binance inability to comply with Singapore’s anti-money laundering regulations forced it out of the country.

News 2021-12-18 13:36
Russia’s central bank wants to prohibit crypto investments

Russia’s central bank wants to prohibit crypto investments

Centrobank is reportedly concerned that growing volumes of crypto trading could present risks to financial stability.

News 2021-12-17 23:29
UK watchdog bans seven crypto ads failing to highlight potential trading risks

UK watchdog bans seven crypto ads failing to highlight potential trading risks

The Advertising Standards Authority has banned seven cryptocurrency ads of distinguished crypto companies including Etoro and Coinburp

News 2021-12-17 22:32
英国央行警告比特币将一文不值后 英通胀率创10年新高

英国央行警告比特币将一文不值后 英通胀率创10年新高


News 2021-12-17 11:38



News 2021-12-17 11:04
坦桑尼亚央行:加密货币交易合法 投资者风险自负

坦桑尼亚央行:加密货币交易合法 投资者风险自负


News 2021-12-16 12:08
美参议员沃伦:DeFi是加密货币“最邪恶之处” 必须予以取缔

美参议员沃伦:DeFi是加密货币“最邪恶之处” 必须予以取缔

参议员伊丽莎白-沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)要求对DeFi——特别是稳定币——进行更多监管,认为它给消费者带来了风险。

News 2021-12-16 11:37

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