

数字货币集团(Digital Currency Group)及其子公司——包括灰度投资公司(Grayscale Investments)——已决定从纽约市迁往康涅狄格州。

News 2021-12-01 12:29
New Grayscale Solana Trust Set to Offer Exposure to SOL for More Investors

New Grayscale Solana Trust Set to Offer Exposure to SOL for More Investors

The major digital asset investment firm Grayscale has launched a new solana (SOL)-backed regulated investment product in the US, opening up exposure to the smart contract and decentralized finance (DeFi) space for more investors.

News 2021-11-30 23:59
Grayscale says metaverse is a $1 trillion industry following rise of MANA, SAND, and AXS

Grayscale says metaverse is a $1 trillion industry following rise of MANA, SAND, and AXS

Grayscale in a new report has said that the metaverse has an economic potential of over $1 trillion.

News 2021-11-26 16:56
Morgan Stanley just bought the Bitcoin (BTC) dip through Grayscale shares

Morgan Stanley just bought the Bitcoin (BTC) dip through Grayscale shares

Morgan Stanley, through three of its funds, cumulatively holds over 6.5 million Graycale’s Bitcoin shares which are worth over $300 million.

News 2021-11-26 11:12


据悉,NYSE Arca于10月19日提交了一份19b-4文件,要求上市转换后的GBTC ETF,同时启动了SEC对该产品作出决定的时间。

News 2021-11-04 12:09



News 2021-10-19 11:04
Grayscale hints at plans to convert Bitcoin trust into BTC-settled ETF

Grayscale hints at plans to convert Bitcoin trust into BTC-settled ETF

Grayscale looks to be seeking to restructure its Bitcoin Trust into a physically-backed fund after the SEC approved a Bitcoin futures ETF.

News 2021-10-18 15:03


Digital Currency Group的首席执行官巴里•希尔伯特(Barry Silbert)在推特上发布消息称,该公司有可能将其灰色比特币信托(GBTC)转换为实体支持的交易所交易基金(ETF),对此他敦促粉丝“保持关注”。

News 2021-10-18 12:08
The fiendish new trick cyber-criminals are using to evade capture

The fiendish new trick cyber-criminals are using to evade capture

In the cyber-realm, this battle between criminals and the authorities has been raging for years.

News 2021-08-13 16:06


世界领先的资产管理公司灰度(Grayscale)相当专注于将其优质比特币产品灰度比特币信托(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, GBTC)转换为比特币ETF的目标。这家数字资产管理公司宣布任命拥有20年ETF经验的Dave Lavalle为其首个全球ETF主管。

News 2021-08-05 10:50

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