


News 2021-04-12 11:00
“Z世代”蜂拥加密市场 日本金融厅发布紧急警告

“Z世代”蜂拥加密市场 日本金融厅发布紧急警告


News 2021-04-09 14:34
加密企业深陷FCA监管“僵局” 选择撤英或为一良策?

加密企业深陷FCA监管“僵局” 选择撤英或为一良策?


News 2021-04-09 12:16


据相关媒体报道,监管层知情人士称,“至少有10家交易所 ”濒临倒闭,由于未能满足实名制银行的要求,它们的“生存将无法得到保证”。

News 2021-04-07 12:09



News 2021-04-01 14:36
韩国加密新规来袭 釜山银行逆行涉足加密市场

韩国加密新规来袭 釜山银行逆行涉足加密市场


News 2021-03-26 14:25
FCA Report Indicates Young People Invest In Crypto Without Understanding Potential Risks

FCA Report Indicates Young People Invest In Crypto Without Understanding Potential Risks

Reuters has reported findings from Britain's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) that indicate that younger people invest in cryptocurrencies without having a full understanding of potential risks involved. The UK financial watchdog noted that a number of social factors were also responsible for younger people getting involved in high-risk investments.

News 2021-03-24 15:18
Crypto Censorship Hits Twitter: Top Influencer Accounts Suspended Mysteriously

Crypto Censorship Hits Twitter: Top Influencer Accounts Suspended Mysteriously

Overnight last night, the Twitter accounts of many crypto influencers and top Bitcoin supporters mysteriously were suspended without warning.

News 2021-03-11 15:22
How Institutions Will Take Crypto Mainstream

How Institutions Will Take Crypto Mainstream

If bitcoin is anti-establishment, what happens when the establishment joins the party?

News 2021-02-25 10:53
A Quarter of US Investors Own Crypto: Survey

A Quarter of US Investors Own Crypto: Survey

Two-fifths of U.S. investors think investing in the cryptocurrency market is no more risky than putting money into stocks.

News 2021-02-22 15:11

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