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2021-03-22 14:17
At the beginning of July 2020, a stranger added me, saying that he wanna communicate with me. I usually do stocks, so I agreed to the friend request, and then I learned that he was the trustee of theanchor digital currency. At the beginning, he said that they would send me some short-term trading strategies and market trends in order to give back to the majority of investors. I didn't doubt it. After a few days, I started to ask me which stocks I held, and the position situation said that it could help me find an expert for free analysis. After the analysis, I gave me a live link, and I just started to analyze stocks and recommend stocks for us. It is meticulous for us to get rid of it. Occasionally, he posted screenshots of his money making orders in the btb digital currency. After we gradually developed trust in our communication with him, we said that we would disband the group. Re-establish a new fan base and go to theanchor digital currency to make money. If you don’t go, you will be kicked. Later, under the instigation of their internal staff (most of them are their own), most of the customers in the group and I also asked them to open an account and make a deposit. At the beginning, I didn't dare to invest too much capital. I entered 200,000 and tried it out, every time I made a small profit. The teacher urged me to increase the gold, so that the profit doubled. If you don't add money, you won't take me to make orders and so on. Under his lure, he continued to invest 300,000 yuan. But then I started to lose a lot, earning small orders and losing big orders. It completely feels that they can control it. After the serious losses, I urged me to continue to invest money every day, and promised to take me to make back the previous losses. Due to excessive losses, I took the attitude of wanting to make a profit and invested another 200,000 yuan. In the end, the loss was less than 20,000. So I thought of not withdrawing the money, but waited until the next day and did not withdraw the money to the account. I asked the teacher what to do, but the teacher did not give a reasonable explanation.



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