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2024-03-13 17:34
If you use it right, Enhance-PRO is pretty solid. I personally enjoy using PayPal for buying crypto. Transactions are quick, which is a plus. The learning and earning aspects are cool too; I even score some free crypto sometimes. But, I've hit a couple of snags. Transaction fees are a bit steep, and the whole process of sending crypto is kinda quirky. I wanted to send some crypto to this gaming site, right? So, I copied the site's address and pasted it into Enhance-PRO. Sent over the coins, but they never showed up on the gaming site. Turns out, if I use the Enhance-PRO app, the coins magically appear there. Still scratching my head over that one. But hey, it's super secure, which is why I stuck with it in the first place.




2024-03-13 15:08
I sent a certain amount of BTC and another amount of USDT from an external wallet to Enhance-PRO to fund my cryptocurrency account. Since then, I have been unable to access my funds. I have attempted several times to transfer the amount back to my external wallet, but after each attempt, I received a notification indicating that my account was restricted. I contacted Enhance-PRO support four times. Each time, they stated that my case had been escalated to a higher-level institution within Enhance-PRO for review. Each time, I was assured that I would receive an email regarding my case, but I have not received any emails or communications from Enhance-PRO support.I have just received the latest update regarding my issue, and it has been resolved. I would like to mention that it took approximately 15 days to resolve!



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