

China 2021-05-03 09:54
On March 8, our assets were changed into nodes compulsively. Only forty days later, you shut the website for more than ten days. And on April 28, you played the same game and robbed the members of their assets. So, I’d like to ask, what’s the reason for this time? What Yasion did for the two times belongs to a robber’s behavior. And, we can not tolerate for any longer. ①Why you lock our YA position compulsively? ②Why you shut the US 20% commission exchange channel? ③Why you turn the US exchanged from advertising value into nothing? ④Why you impawn mining and deduct profit value of the mining pool? The advertising value is exchanged from investment by us,but now it turns into worthless US. For mining, it needs to investto impawn again. But what we gain finally needs to be deducted by the profit value of the mining pool...So, what’s the reason and what’s the logic? Is this the wisdom created by the 165 (two has died)Internet experts who racked their brains? Is this the Yasion affiliated to Yahoo?雅视

3月8号,将我们的资产强行转化成节点。仅仅过来一个40天,你们一关网就是十几天,4月28号,又一次故技重演,把会员的财产洗劫一空,请问:这次是什么原因? 雅视这两次的行为纯属强盗,我们绝不能再容忍[菜刀][炸弹] [2460]为什么将我们都YA强行锁仓? [2461]为什么关闭US20%手续费置换通道? [2462]为什么将广告值换来的US变的一文不值? [2463]为什么质押挖矿还要用“矿池收益值”来抵扣?…… 广告值是我们用投资换来的,如今变成了一文不值的US,挖矿还需要再次投资质押,最终换来的还要用“矿池收益值”来抵… 这是什么道理?这又是什么逻辑?这难道就是165位(死两位)互联网专家削尖脑袋想出来的智慧?这难道就是雅虎旗下的雅视?

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