

Hotbit's Announcement on the completion of BAS contract replacement and the reopening of the deposit function of BAS on February 10th, 2021


相關類型: Others

2021-02-10 16:25

Dear Hotbit Users,         Hotbit has completed the replacement of the BAS contract and restored the deposit function. The opening time of  withdrawal function will be further announced.         The old BAS of holders on Hotbit has been exchanged to new one according to the ratio of 1:1.          BAS old contract address:0xa7ed29b253d8b4e3109ce07c80fc570f81b63696         BAS new contract address:0x106538CC16F938776c7c180186975BCA23875287         Notice:Hotbit only supports the new BAS contract deposit from now on. Please do not deposit the old BAS, otherwise the loss caused will not be recovered. Hotbit Team  February 10th, 2021