Important Update: Ending Support for a Payload in HTTP GET Requests


Loại hình liên quan: Others

2023-12-08 15:48

We are making an important change on how HTTP GET requests are handled in our REST API. The change is available in Testnet already. It will be deployed to production in phases, starting with endpoints /trade and /quote on 11 Dec 2023 at 02:00 UTC. What's Changing? The REST API no longer accepts a payload as part of an HTTP GET request. A payload as part of such a request has no defined semantics in the HTTP standard and is rejected with status 400. What should I change? Any parameters for an HTTP GET request should be part of the request URL. Our API documentation has many examples of the expected syntax. For example, for the /trade endpoint, available parameters are documented here. Why are we implementing this change? As part of our platform improvements and organic growth of our exchange, we strive to simplify our technology and processes. If you have any questions about these upcoming changes, please contact Support. To be the first to know about new listings, product launches, promotions or other updates we invite you to join one of our communities and follow us on Twitter or check our blog regularly.