The Metaverse vs. Reality: What You Can Do Within It Today?


ประเภทที่เกี่ยวข้อง: Others

2022-04-29 23:50

  The Metaverse is one of the favorite topics of the tech community. From blockchain enthusiasts to the firm Web 3 believers and AR/VR fans – everyone is braced for the opportunities the new reality has to offer. Although the underlying ecosystem is yet in an embryonic stage, there are quite a few things you, as a user, can already do within such virtual world platforms. Gaming

  Cryptocurrency gaming is thriving, and the Metaverse-based virtual world is the missing piece of the puzzle. It is an ideal environment for playing and interacting with other gamers. Besides, you can also make some extra money. The entire concept of Metaverses resonates with gaming and can potentially help with building a robust virtual reality.

  Axie Infinity , Illuvium , MOMOverse , STARL Metaverse are just a few crypto gaming platforms building their own Metaverses. Considering the crypto gaming space is booming, the potential future developments look bright. Real Estate

  The idea of trading property digitally is not new, but transferring the process to the Metaverse definitely provides a unique spin on it. One of the Metaverse pioneers, Decentraland , is a good example of how virtual reality can help organize real estate.

  Users of the Decentraland metaverse can buy and sell parcels of land, items, and other assets, as well as create artifacts and discover the land that belongs to other users. After purchasing land parcels, you can organize them as you please – from adding NFT artworks to hosting events.

  The Sandbox and Keys Token are other Metaverse-related crypto platforms that allow you to invest in just about anything, be it real estate, fancy cars, yachts, or other items. Events

  The pandemic has transformed our daily lives and opened up new perspectives. We suddenly realized that it is possible to work, shop, and even party from the comfort of our homes. As offline meetups became impossible, lots of crypto and tech events also went online rather successfully.

  Conveniently enough, Metaverse platforms have the means to host all kinds of events: professional meetups, musical concerts, fashion shows, and even city tours. Not only do they help cut operating expenses and make new experiences more affordable, but they render a special touch to the event and travel industries. Just dont forget to add a VR headset. Private Life

  Since dating apps successfully took charge of our romantic lives, it is only a matter of time before the Metaverse steals the thunder. Private life and digital space have always been connected, so theres no wonder that related industries are thriving. Moreover, some of our basic needs are already taken care of in the Metaverse.

  The Pleasureland MetaVerse is focused on delivering adult content. It allows users to play, party, and engage in other entertaining activities anonymously. Its NSFW token can be used to reward content creators. Final Thoughts

  There are already quite a few legitimate Metaverse use cases: gaming, property, online events, remote work, and marketing spaces, to name a few. Should you decide to invest in any of the trending projects, HitBTC offers a variety of Metaverse-related trading pairs.

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